Last nite I sat outside at my Aunt and Uncle's house -well I was actually playing Candy Crush. I know I have become addicted to it. I am only level 86 for the last week and unable to complete it. But as I was playing I was listening the birds making noises. The two that were making the most noise was "A Mommy and Daddy Mockingbird." They are so funny they HATE CATS and PEOPLE. So she and him squawked a lot at me and the cat. Due to the fact that they have a nest in an old tree. And of course I didn't have my camera with me last nite. But I got to see the babies come out of their nest and call to their parents. It was so sweet. And then I noticed that in the old church bird house their was another family in there. So this morning I got up early and took some pics. I didn't get the baby mockingbirds but I think I got some good pics. I hope you enjoy.
This is the day that the Lord has made be glad and rejoice.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend and thanks to all that have served and are still serving out country.
God Bless the USA!!!!